
Original form of . Depicts a continuous series of silk threads () joined together.

丝 iconic component

  Iconic component


silk, threads

丝 iconic component

  Iconic component


silk, threads


㡭 Oracle script (~1250-1000 BC)

Oracle script

(~1250-1000 BC)
㡭 Bronze script Spring and Autumn (771-476 BC)

Bronze script

Spring and Autumn (771-476 BC)
㡭 Seal script Shuowen (~100 AD)

Seal script

Shuowen (~100 AD)
㡭 Clerical script Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 AD)

Clerical script

Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 AD)
㡭 Regular script Modern

Regular script



(standard, ancient form of U+7E7C ) to continue; to carry on, to follow; to inherit; to succeed to

Component uses

Sound component in 3 characters (3 verified)

Iconic component in 2 characters (2 verified)

Simplified component in 1 character (1 verified)